The more good ideas you have collected, the more sources you will have to choose from which ones will influence you.
-Austin Kleon-

What is
"Dropz" = "drops" or "droplets," representing inspirations and trends from creative economies and new times.
I decided to bring together various topics of personal interest such as creativity, art, culture, behavior, technology, positive impact, and futures, and create this parallel project.
It's a continuous exercise of observing patterns and, at the same time, changes around us that impact the ethos, pathos, and logos of a particular culture (I miss ethnography classes!).
These are curated collections of cases and signals from creative industries (design, advertising, fashion, music, architecture, gastronomy, audiovisual, performing arts, editorial, among others) that are appropriating technologies and behaviors of the new times to establish themselves as fundamental actors in creating professions of today and future work, and in the dissemination of ideas and legacies of great importance to culture, environment, and society.
For professionals, organizations, or brands seeking inspiration from creative economies and navigating the new times, follow dropz. on Instagram.