Product and Service Development
Ano: 2020
Duração: 7 semanas
Segmento: Educação
Metodologias: Discovery, Design Thinking, Design de Futuros
Time | Papel: 4 pessoas | líder de projetos e consultora de inovação sênior
The project scope included the following stages: planning, immersion, analysis, ideation, and concept testing.
Scheduling activities
CSD matrix
Defining sample profiles
Preparing interview scripts
Recruiting interviewees
23 interviews with staff, students from other schools, parents, executives, and HR from other companies
Research on signals, trends, and generations
Major drivers identified for the creation of the new portfolio, including value attributes, offerings, formats, channels, engagement, themes, decision-making, and pricing.
All findings evaluated according to B2C, B2B, or B2Schools segmentation.
Futures design synchronous workshop where 16 people worked on Three Possible Horizons and created a Future Offering, converging on the Minimum Viable Future.
Synchronous and asynchronous workshops to create new physical and digital products and services that corresponded to the complexity of the new normal and the challenges of digital transformation.
In one synchronous workshop, role play simulating a restaurant was used to create "menus" of products for the existing proto-personas.
All 61 ideas generated, along with the service package, were consolidated into a product portfolio roadmap and categorized into a prioritization matrix: Right Now, ASAP, Coming Soon, Sooner or Later, and Look to the Future.
Concept Testing
A qualitative guided testing model was developed to understand the suitability of course modules, activities, and other offerings for the audience.
Hypotheses were formulated to guide questions to users during the test.
Valuable insights were collected to help refine the solution for later prototyping.

*To preserve the names of companies and confidential data, further information can be provided upon scheduling a meeting.
Amid the pandemic, with all schools closed, the company was highly affected and needed to rethink current and future business models to ensure short-term survival and medium- to long-term innovation. The objective was to leverage and modernize the company's B2C and B2B portfolio with an offering of innovative products and services, resulting from future transformation drivers and strategic business directions.
One of the biggest challenges was again the pandemic and the constant uncertainties regarding future business models and rapid digital transformations.
At the same time, futures literacy was key to expanding innovation horizons and preparing the company for new times.
Theatrical techniques and role play were also creative differentiators in engaging and understanding stakeholders in a fully online and remote setting.